Art direction and concept design of virtual reality horror game based on Norse mythology.
In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is the end of the world. The game centers on an unknown protagonist sent to recover the stolen necklace, Brísingamen, for the goddess Freya. For this atmospheric horror title, which was one of the first virtual reality (VR) games from Denmark, Zakarian drew inspiration from the original Norse myths, which are full of dark prophecies and a strong emphasis on the forces of nature.
Zakarian developed a "staged realism": using tightly composed, dramatic environments, detailed textures and iconic characters to support the narrative, explore the full impact of VR, guide player attention and encourage immersion.
Alpha demos of 2 levels were exhibited at international game conferences such as Game Developer Conference, Gamescom, REZZED, Poznán Game Arena etc.
Target devices: Oculus Rift DK1, DK2, GearVR, HTC Vive.
This was an indie production by a small team of 8-12 people. The game was cancelled and the team disbanded due to ethical differences before production was completed in 2015.
Asset Bible, mood boards and style guides
Environment, object and character design
Concept art and turnarounds
Storyboards and level design
Lighting in Unity
The following scenes and assets are based on Zakarian's concept art and art direction.
The 3D artists on the team at various points during 2014-2015 were:
Michael Jarberg, Johan Lund, Daniel Lindblom, Katharina Goslowsky.
All of the 3D assets belong to the individual artists who created them.
Level 1:
The land of the snow giants
The Canyon
The beginning of the Jotunheim level was designed to introduce the player to VR. A narrow, dark and claustrophobic canyon extends before the player. The sound of rock grinding against rock and pebbles falling down prompt the player to notice how one can tilt the head to look up in VR, to discover giant, humanoid statues carved into the cliffs. The statues move slightly when you don't look and ice bridges between the cliffs carry icicles which will break off and fall down on the player's path.
Footage and screenshots from Alpha version of the game
made by the 3D artists Michael Jarberg, Johan Lund, Daniel Lindblom, Katharina Goslowsky.
Mist shader by Dario Seyb, additional particle effects by Christian Toft.
The Canyon. Main 3D artist: Johan Lund
Desert of Thorns
Coming from the dark canyon, a vast, bright, foggy desert covered by snow and ice extends before the player. Giant thorns pierce the snow and rise ominously out of the ground as the player advances through the level. The sound of wind is only interrupted by the roar of thorns breaking the ground and the occasional cawing of ravens.
This is where the player first encounters Odin's two ravens: Huginn and Muninn, flying and perching on top of the thorns, leading us through the level.
Footage and screenshots from Alpha version of the game
made by the 3D artists Michael Jarberg, Johan Lund, Daniel Lindblom, Katharina Goslowsky.
Mist shader by Dario Seyb, additional particle effects by Christian Toft.
Desert of Thorns. Main 3D artist: Johan Lund
Jotunheim Forest
A dark forest where the little sunlight left behind the clouds disappears behind heavy, creaking trees covered in snow. The player must find their way out of the forest and get to Wolf Mountain, while avoiding the Jotun - the ferocious snow giant. On the way they will encounter snow-covered deer carcasses with clues about advancing.
Forest scene. Main 3D artist: Johan Lund. Mist shader programmer: Dario Seyb
Footage and screenshots from Alpha version of the game
made by the 3D artists Michael Jarberg, Johan Lund, Daniel Lindblom, Katharina Goslowsky.
Mist shader by Dario Seyb, additional particle effects by Christian Toft.
Wolf Mountain
ENVIRONMENT DESIGN: After the player makes their way past the Jotun and out of the forest, the landscape will open up once more to intimidating, icy mountains. One of these mountains looks like the silhouette of a wolf head, and the player will be instructed to find it and travel towards it.
At the foot of Wolf Mountain the player must find the entrance to the cave where the gods keep the monstrous wolf Fenrir.
Screenshots from Alpha version of the game
made by the 3D artists Michael Jarberg, Johan Lund, Daniel Lindblom, Katharina Goslowsky.
Mist shader by Dario Seyb, additional particle effects by Christian Toft.
Wolf Mountain. Main 3D artist: Johan Lund
The Jotun
Jötnar (snow giants) are prehistoric, humanoid creatures living in Jotunheim. They are the forces of destruction, entropy and decay, and will be among the enemies of the gods at Ragnarok.
The Jotun in the game will try to hunt and eat the player in the forest. From a distance he could be mistaken for a human, until he opens his giant, hungry mouth. He has no eyes, so he is guided by his sense of smell like sharks. The Jotun will sniff the air and growl and roar when noticing a foreign presence in his woods. He will search the undergrowth for the player. Zakarian was inspired by Great White sharks and Francisco Goya's "Saturn devouring his son" when designing the character.
Jotun character. Main 3D artists: Johan Lund & Michael Jarberg